Anomalies Topics
- Appearances & Disappearances
- Coincidences
- Creatures: Unknown, Forgotten, and/or Supernatural
- Crimes of an Unusual Nature
- Curses and Charms
- Dreams & Sleepers
- End of the World
- Fairies: Encounters and Evidence
- Fires Paranormal
- Flaps: Paranormal Patterns in Time
- Ghosts: Spirits of the Dead around the World
- Groupings: Strangely Related Events
- Hairy Humanoids: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, et al.
- Hauntings & Hotspots: Paranormal Locations
- Loch Ness Monster: Known Reports in Chronological Order
- Omens of Doom
- Out Of Place Artifacts
- Paranormal Images
- Particularly Paranormal
- Poltergeist Activity
- Prophecies
- Random Stuff
- Spontaneous Human Combustion: A Brief History
- Spontaneous Human Combustion: Reports in Chronological Order
- Strange Powers
- Strange Skyfalls: Reports in Chronological Order
- Thoughtforms & Tulpas: Creating Reality
- Time Travel
- UFOs and Aliens
- Undead
- Urban Legends & Internet Legends
- Victorian Humbugs
- Weird Science
- Yellow Journalism
- Zombies: History, Belief, and Modern Ideas
- Zombies: Reports in Chronological Order
A Selection of Random Stories in Anomalies
- 1889, April 3: Black Snow Falls in New York State, USA
- 1942, August 3: HMS Jubilee encounters a Phantom Ship
- 1683, July 4-14: The Strasbourg Roi de Rats
- 1968, December 24: The Hand on the TV [Patrons Only]
- 1683, October 24: Shower of Toads Invades Acle
- 2016, October 31: Haunted Tour Photo
- 1951, May 3: Carl Blocker’s Fiery Death
- 1938 (pre): The Girl Died Twice
- 1980, January: Benchill Woman’s Fiery Death
- 1831-1843: William Miller and the Millerites
- 1880, February: Ludwig Beckmann Examines a Rat King
- 2017, June 23: A Strange Suicide
- 2014, April 2: Rossendale Fairy Photographs
- 1943: The Little Girl with No Face
- 1938~1962: Horace T. Nicholas’ Combustion
- 1894, May 11: Turtle and Alabaster in Ice Falls During a Hailstorm
- 1881, April 22: Live Worms found Encased in Stone
- 1920~1929: Delmar Clark’s encounter with a Black Dog
- 1937 (pre): Gnome Caught Accidentally by Young Woman
- 1890: A Giant in Japan
- 1866: Englishman’s Fiery Corpse
- 1875, November 28 (ca.): Patrick Savage’s Funeral Fires
- 1940~1945 (ca.): The Sven Türck Experiments
- 1953: British Hear Yeti Whistle
- 2010, April 23: A Christmas Ghost
- 2003 (ca.): Manila Ghost Photo
- 1939~1945: German Troops encounter Norwegian Mountain Troll
- 2017, September 1: A Waking Nightmare
- 1943, November 18: Madge Knight’s Mysterious Burns
- 1832 (pre): A.B.’s Fiery Death