Anomalies Topics
- Appearances & Disappearances
- Coincidences
- Creatures: Unknown, Forgotten, and/or Supernatural
- Crimes of an Unusual Nature
- Curses and Charms
- Dreams & Sleepers
- End of the World
- Fairies: Encounters and Evidence
- Fires Paranormal
- Flaps: Paranormal Patterns in Time
- Ghosts: Spirits of the Dead around the World
- Groupings: Strangely Related Events
- Hairy Humanoids: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, et al.
- Hauntings & Hotspots: Paranormal Locations
- Loch Ness Monster: Known Reports in Chronological Order
- Omens of Doom
- Out Of Place Artifacts
- Paranormal Images
- Particularly Paranormal
- Poltergeist Activity
- Prophecies
- Random Stuff
- Spontaneous Human Combustion: A Brief History
- Spontaneous Human Combustion: Reports in Chronological Order
- Strange Powers
- Strange Skyfalls: Reports in Chronological Order
- Thoughtforms & Tulpas: Creating Reality
- Time Travel
- UFOs and Aliens
- Undead
- Urban Legends & Internet Legends
- Victorian Humbugs
- Weird Science
- Yellow Journalism
- Zombies: History, Belief, and Modern Ideas
- Zombies: Reports in Chronological Order
A Selection of Random Stories in Anomalies
- 1959 (pre): An Aristocratic Zombie
- 2007, December 16: Brazilian Spontaneous Combustion
- 1937, November (pre): The Preacher’s Escort
- 1956, December 8: Catherine Cahill's Fiery Death
- 1978, December 4: The Prophet Didn’t Have a Ticket
- 1813: Elderly Gentleman’s Fiery Death
- 1891, February 4: Well, Agnes, How Are You?
- 0857 (ca.): The Cloud and the Black Dog
- 1913, July 31: Mysterious Lights at Brown Mountain
- 2014, August 21 (pre): The Zushi Shoes
- 1897, July 16: Haycocks Seen Sucked Up and Scattered at Herefordshire, England
- 1977, August 9: The Officer and the Dancers
- 1962, June 17: Time Traveler at the 1962 FIFA World Cup
- Vampire Wanna-Be's
- 1922 (pre-): William Hugh Knight's Yeti Sighting
- 1908 (pub): A Calcu Woman
- 1979, January 25: Hutton-le-Hole Woman’s Fiery Death
- 1937, October 24 (pre): The Dancing Woman of Ceylon
- 1600~1699: Hans Niebuhr and the Plague
- 1965, March 26: Herbert Shinn's Burning Wounds
- 2001 (ca.): Protected by Angels
- 1799, December 21: Mrs. Bias’ Fiery Death
- 2005: Bat Fairy
- 1973, July 17: A Strange Theft
- 2007 (ca.): One Too Many in the Coffin
- 1840, May: Mystery Tracks on Kerguelan Island
- 1865: Abraham Lincoln's Prophetic Dream
- 2018, September 17: Wisconsin Squirrel King
- 1938, September 27: The Baby Catcher
- 1952, July 31: Lightning Among the Corpses [Patrons Only]