The Snake's Revenge (source)
- PRIMARY SOURCE: "Corpus Christi Man Bitten by Severed Rattlesnake Head," by Marissa Cummings, article in the KIII-TV website, posted 6-5-2018, viewed 6-6-2018. Online:
- "South Texas Man Bitten by Severed Rattlesnake Head Almost Dies," article in the NBCDFW website, posted 6-6-2018, viewed 6-6-2018. Online:
Animated Snake Heads in General:
- "How Did a Decapitated Snake Bite Itself?," by Jaclyn Skurie, article in the National Geographic blog website, posted 8-16-2013, viewed 6-6-2018. online:
- "Chef reportedly dies after being bitten by a decapitated snake, but is that even possible?," by Dominique Mosbergen, article in the Huffpost website, posted 9-3-2014, viewed 6-6-2018. Online:
- "Snake Bites Its Own Body AFTER Being Decapitated," by Danielle Andrew, article in the IFLScience! website, posted 7-7-2015, viewed 6-6-2018. Online:
- "Why do dead snakes move?," page in the Quora website, viewed 6-6-2018. Online:
- "Caution snakes head still bites after you cut it off warning," post by Cerebral Therapy, video in YouTube website, posted 6-3-2017, viewed 6-6-2018. Online: