N.A. Tombazi's Yeti Sighting (sources)
- "Peaks Wild Man," article in the Sunday Pictorial, newspaper of London, London, England, Sunday, May 3, 1925. Pg. 8, co. 4. Online in the Newspapers.com website [pay site]: https://www.newspapers.com/image/807610993/?terms=%22Tombazi%22%20%22footprints%22&match=1
- "Wild White Men Of Himalayas Are Again Seen," article in the Chicago Sunday Tribune, newspaper of Chicago, Illinois, USA, Sunday, May 3, 1925. Pg. 1, co. 5. Online in the Newspapers.com website [pay site]: https://www.newspapers.com/image/355138133/?terms=%22Tombazi%22%20%22footprints%22&match=1
- Wild Man of the Snows"," article in the Birmingham Evening Mail, newspaper of Birmingham, West Midlands, England, Monday, May 4, 1952. Pg. 3, co. 3. Online in the Newspapers.com website [pay site]: https://www.newspapers.com/image/895853069/?terms=%22Tombazi%22%20%22footprints%22&match=1
- "'Wild Men' in Mountains," article in the Kansas City Star, newspaper of Kansas, Missouri, USA, Tuesday, June 30, 1925. Pg. 24 [E], co. 5. Online in the Newspapers.com website [pay site]: https://www.newspapers.com/image/655141780/?terms=%22Tombazi%22%20%22footprints%22&match=1
- "," article in the ??, newspaper of ?, ?, ?, ?day, ? ?, 1952. Pg. , co. . Online in the Newspapers.com website [pay site]: ?
- "," article in the ??, newspaper of ?, ?, ?, ?day, ? ?, 1952. Pg. , co. . Online in the Newspapers.com website [pay site]: ?
- "," article in the ??, newspaper of ?, ?, ?, ?day, ? ?, 1952. Pg. , co. . Online in the Newspapers.com website [pay site]: ?
- Attack on Everest, by Neil MacIntyre, 1936 Methuen & Co. Ltd., London, England. Pg. 78. Online: https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.81102/page/n89
- The Listener, Vol. 41, 1949 British Broadcasting Corporation, England. Pg. 224 [claims to quote directly from Tombazi's 1925 book]. Online: https://books.google.com/books?id=rm5BAQAAIAAJ&q=%22It+was+Dr.+Odell+who+at+once+showed+me+a+book+printed+for+private+circulation+by%22&dq=%22It+was+Dr.+Odell+who+at+once+showed+me+a+book+printed+for+private+circulation+by%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjr-OLx0ZviAhVSgp4KHf4oD5EQ6AEwAnoECAAQAg
- "The World's Most Mysterious Footprints," by Gardner Soule, article in Popular Science, December 1952. Pg. 136