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Frances and the Dancing Fairies.
Photo taken by Elsie Wright, July 1917, with 'Midg' camera.

Elsie and the Gnome.
Photo taken by Frances Griffiths, September 1917, with 'Midg' camera.

Frances and the Leaping Fairy.
Photo taken by Elsie Wright, August 1920, with 'Cameo' camera.

Close-up of Leaping Fairy.
Photo taken by Elsie Wright, August 1920, with 'Cameo' camera.

Fairy Offering Posy of Hare-Bells to Elsie.
Photo taken by Frances Griffiths, August 1920 (?), with 'Cameo' camera.

Fairies and their Sun-Bath.
Photo taken by Elsie Wright and Frances Griffiths, August 1920 (?), with 'Cameo' camera.

Elsie Wright drawing a fairy in 1983.
Photo taken by Brian Harris for The Times of London, August 1983.

David Lang disappears.
Illustration by Garth Haslam.
For permission to use, please email him by Clicking Here.

Psychic Surgery: A Second Look
Psychic surgeon Tony Agpaoa feels for an intestinal growth.

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PLEASE NOTE: All articles in the Anomalies database and it's sub-databases (Mysteries, Curiosities, and SHC) are written by Garth Haslam, and should not be copied in any format without his express permission. If you use Anomalies or any of it's sub-databases for research, please be sure to list Anomalies and it's URL -- -- in your references. This article is written by and copyright (c)2005-2012 Garth Haslam, all rights reserved. Web page design, logo/link art by Garth Haslam, September 1996-2012; he can be emailed by Clicking Here.