Mrs. Warrack’s (or Ross’) Fiery Death (sources)
- PRIMARY SOURCE: "On Spontaneous Combustion," by Alexander Ogston, article in the British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review, Vol. 45, January 1870. Pgs. 191-192. Online:
- Lectures on Medical Jurisprudence, by Francis Ogston, 1878 J. & A. Churchill, London, England. Pgs. 463-464. Online:
- “Select Lectures on Medical Jurisprudence,“ by Francis Ogston, article in the Medical Times and Gazette, July 14, 1877 J. & A. Churchill, London, England. Pg. 27-28. Online:,+it+may+not+be+out+of%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi-9tr20tDbAhVnwlQKHXI8AvEQ6AEIJzAA#v=onepage&q=%22In%20connexion%20with%20the%20subject%20of%20burns%2C%20it%20may%20not%20be%20out%20of%22&f=false
Mentions & Repeaters
- The Principles and Practice of Medical Jurisprudence, Third Edition, Vol. 1, by Alfred Swaine Taylor, 1883 J. & A. Churchill, London, England. Pgs. 720.