Nevers Fiery Death (sources)
- "Observation de combustion spontanée, dont deux femmes ont été atteintes dans le même instant [Observation of spontaneous combustion, of which two women were reached at the same time]," by M. Charpentier, article in Bibliothèque médicale ou recueil périodique d'extraits ['Medical library or periodic collection of extracts' -- in French], Vol. 72, 1821 Paris, France. Pgs. 229-231. Online [French]:
- Article in The London Medical and Physical Journal, Vol. 45, No. 4, (Whole No. 266), April 1821 London, England. Pgs. 347-349. Online:
- "On Spontaneous Combustion," by Alexander Ogston, article in the British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review, Vol. 45, January 1870. Pgs. 185-186. Online: