The Challicum Bunyip (sources)
- The Golden Colony, or Victoria in 1854, by George Henry Wathen, 1855 London, England. Pgs. 122-124. Online:
- "A Facination with Bunyips: Bunbury, La Trobe, Wathen, and the Djab Wurrung People of western Victoria," by Ian D. Clark, article from La Trobeana, Vol. 17, No. 1, March 2018. Pgs. 27-39. Online [PDF download]:
- "The Bunyip of Challicum," article in the Evening News, newspaper of Sydney, Australia, for Saturday, September 10, 1898. Pg. 3, Col. 3-4. Online:
- The Challicum Sketch Book 1842-53: and Supplementary Paintings by Duncan Elphinstone Cooper, by Philip L. Brown, 1987 National Library of Australia. ISBN: 0-642-10410-7. Pgs. 114-118. Online [PDF Download from the National Library of Australia]:
- "Challicum Bunyip," page in the National Library of Australia website, posted 10-22-2008, viewed 4-10-2011. Online [archived]:
- "The Challicum Bun-Yip," by A. Massola, article in Victorian Naturalist, Vol. 74, No. 6, (Whole No. 886), October 10, 1957. Pgs. 76-83. Online:
- "Australia," page in the Wikipedia website, viewed 7-4-2018. Online: