Rooster Executed for Witchcraft (sources)
- All the Year Round: A Weekly Journal, by Charles Dickens, No. 58, third series, February 8, 1890. Pg. 136
- The Criminal Prosecution and Capital Punishment of Animals, By Edward Payson Evans, 1906 William Heineman, London, England. Pg. 162-163. Online at:,+the+magistrates+of+bale+sentenced+a+cock%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Jhc9VZ7qN8e5ogTwnoGYAQ&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22in%201474%2C%20the%20magistrates%20of%20bale%20sentenced%20a%20cock%22&f=false
- La France Judiciaire, 1879-1880, France. Pg. 462. Online at:
- "VIII. Legal Prosecution of Animals," chapter from The Magic of the Horse-Shoe, by Robert Means Lawrence, 1898. Online at:
- "Some Chat about the Law and the Limbs of It," by B. Waree, article in Titan, Vol. XXVIII, March 1859. Pg. 279. Online at: