Insects Snow Down in Pokroff, Russia (sources)
- "Notice of a shower of Insects which fell in a Snow Storm at Pokroff in Russia," article in The Edinburgh Journal of Science, Vol. 9, No. 1, July 1828 Edinburch, Scotland, & London, England. Pg. 154. Online at:
- Book of the Damned: The Collected Works of Charles Fort, by Charles Fort, 2008 Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, New York City, New York, USA ["Book of the Damned" was originally printed in 1919.]. ISBN: 978-1-58542-641-6. Pg. 96
- The Rain-Cloud and the Snow-Storm, by Charles Tomlinson, 1865 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, England. Pg. 194-195
- "Queer Rains," article in Scientific American, Vol. 30, September 26, 1874 New York City, New York, USA. Pg. 193